Special Offers
Early Booking
15% off
Early Booking
It's good to be early.
Early Booking: at ACE Hotel enjoy a 15% discount on the price of your hotel night.
A weekend for lovers? A family holiday? With the Early Booking offer, you can make real savings!
Plan your trips at least 30 days before your arrival and benefit from a 15% discount!
To take advantage of the Early Booking offer, go to the map of our hotels in France, select your destination and your arrival date at least 30 days before your arrival.
There is only one condition to benefit from this offer: make your reservation online, secure payment (Non-cancellable, non-changeable) and enjoy your stay in a spacious and comfortable room!
With 34 hotels throughout France, enjoy a 15% early booking discount! It's good to be early.
Depending on the participating hotels, availability and periods of the year.